In property rentals, conflicts between landlords and tenants are inevitable. At Rightplace, we understand the importance of maintaining a harmonious relationship and offer effective solutions to manage these conflicts. Here is a guide to addressing the most common issues, ensuring safe rental management and protecting the interests of both parties.

1. Rent Non-Payment

a. Establish a Clear Contract

The first step to avoid rent non-payment is to have a detailed rental agreement. This should specify payment dates, the exact amount, and the consequences of not adhering to these terms.

b. Tenant Insurance

We recommend that both landlords and tenants consider tenant insurance. This type of insurance can cover rent payments if the tenant encounters financial difficulties. For more information on insurance providers and products in Spain, you can consult the Just Insurance platform.

c. Communication and Negotiation

In case of non-payment, it is crucial to maintain open communication. The landlord should try to understand the tenant’s situation and negotiate a payment plan that is viable for both parties.

2. Property Damage

a. Initial and Final Inspection

Before the tenant moves in, a detailed inspection of the property should be conducted and its condition documented. This inspection should be repeated at the end of the rental contract to compare and determine if there are any damages.

b. Security Deposit

Including a security deposit in the rental agreement is essential. This deposit covers any potential damages that may occur during the rental period.

c. Tenant Insurance

Tenant insurance can also cover certain damages to the property, protecting both the landlord and the tenant.

3. Maintenance and Repairs

a. Clear Responsibilities

The rental agreement should clearly outline the maintenance and repair responsibilities for both parties. This includes specifying which repairs are the tenant’s responsibility and which should be managed by the landlord.

b. Safe Rental Management

Safe rental management involves having a plan to address urgent repairs. Landlords should provide an emergency contact method and respond promptly to repair requests.

4. Coexistence Issues

a. Rules and Regulations

It is essential that the rental agreement includes rules for coexistence, such as noise control, use of common areas, and pet policies.

b. Mediation

In case of coexistence conflicts, a neutral mediator can be used to resolve disputes. This helps prevent the conflict from escalating and finds a fair solution.

5. End of the Contract

a. Prior Notice

The contract should specify the notice period for ending the rental. This allows both parties enough time to prepare for the move or to find a new tenant.

b. Inspection and Deposit Return

At the end of the contract, a final inspection should be conducted, and the property’s condition compared to the initial inspection. If there are no significant damages, the security deposit should be returned to the tenant within a reasonable timeframe.


Safe rental management is essential to maintain a harmonious relationship between landlord and tenant. By implementing the mentioned strategies and maintaining open communication, both parties can enjoy a positive and trouble-free rental experience.

If you want to learn how a real estate agency can help you manage these conflicts and more, we recommend reading the following article.

For more information on safe rental management, tenant insurance, and how to handle rent non-payment, visit our website or contact us. At Rightplace, we are dedicated to making your rental experience successful and conflict-free.