Capabilities make the difference, cooperation marks the success. This motivational phrase highlights the value of teamwork within an organization and the importance of collaboration between companies in the same sector, which is often overlooked. At Rightplace, we have been promoting this union of forces for years through collaboration agreements with estate planning lawyers in Barcelona and Madrid.

This business relationship, beyond some common goals, presents a bidirectional win-win that benefits both the estate planning lawyer and Rightplace’s real estate services. This collaboration especially boosts customer service and excellence in service delivery for both firms.

More Than Technical Experience

In general, an estate planning lawyer offers more than just technical expertise in drafting complex documents. Most have extensive experience advising clients on highly personal and significant future asset decisions.

While goals differ from person to person, the estate planning lawyer seeks to understand the client’s desires and goals regarding the maintenance of their estate and other properties, suggesting the most suitable ways to achieve these milestones.

Analyzing these asset challenges and putting them into action is one of the main strengths of our service. With more than 15 years of experience, first under the Aspasios brand and now as Rightplace, we are a trusted partner for law firms and estate planning lawyers in various fields.

Analysis and Knowledge

Investment analysis and detailed market study. The real estate market is an excellent alternative for investment, provided the opportunities are well understood and interpreted. Rightplace analyzes the potential profitability of real estate investments proposed by clients, following the recommendations of their estate planning lawyer.

Multichannel Marketing

Rightplace approaches marketing through the distribution of properties via channels that enhance the product’s outcome and visibility. We close deals with multinationals, business schools, and international relocators. Our multichannel strength, with ads on major national portals and over 120 international portals in 60 countries, guarantees success.


Complete support in the divestment process, selling assets both to individuals seeking housing and investors who regularly work with Rightplace. This divestment process is managed with empathy, calm, and trust.

Renovations and Interior Design

Rightplace manages construction projects, renovations, interior design, and decoration. We bring trust, quality, and experience to our projects by having a top pool of professionals. Our team transforms home improvements into greater asset value.


Service proximity elevated to an action category. One of Rightplace’s distinguishing features is that proximity, rigor, and transparency translate into the trust of the client and their estate planning lawyer. Our team’s empathy fosters collaboration and decision-making.

Our collaboration formula with various law firms and estate planning lawyers in Barcelona and Madrid has been successfully promoted by Rightplace for years. This combination of capabilities ultimately strengthens the estate planning lawyer, Rightplace, and the service to their clients.

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